You have encountered a Database error.
The system cannot complete this function at this time.
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Note : The demonstration system of necessity is somewhat different to the live operational system. It has not been subject as yet to the years of in use verification as has the live system. So from time to time minor issues may become evident.
Error message :Table runaclub_demo.guidance doesn t exist

Debug backtrace begin:
at 0 /home/runaclub/public_html/members/db_check.php (line 17) -> db_error (a:2:{i:0;s:106: SELECT gu_displayItemReference from guidance where gu_programId = MB0911 and gu_displayItemReference > 0 ;i:1;s:44: Table runaclub_demo.guidance doesn t exist ;})

at 1 /home/runaclub/public_html/members/session_connect.php (line 473) -> db_check (a:1:{i:0;s:106: SELECT gu_displayItemReference from guidance where gu_programId = MB0911 and gu_displayItemReference > 0 ;})

at 2 /home/runaclub/public_html/members/MB0911.php (line 13) -> include (a:1:{i:0;s:54: /home/runaclub/public_html/members/session_connect.php ;})

In :/members/MB0911.php
Query :SELECT gu_displayItemReference from guidance where gu_programId = 'MB0911' and gu_displayItemReference > 0
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